Our Curriculum


Responsive care is based on the relationship between the child and the caregiver. The caregiver's job is to make sure the child's physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs are being considered. The child and caregiver form a bond of security and trust. Our children have a sense of stability and love. We don't just consider our program a preschool program because we place nurturing over academics. 

"Research shows that healthy brain development in young children depends on the degree of responsive care received during the primary years." 

We understand that young children need tools to help them develop. Children learn by doing. Playing is very important for children to learn. Through play they learn the knowledge of math, literacy, and science. Play enhances motor and visual perception skills. During play emotional growth takes place with peer interaction. Children become self - confident, are filled with curiosity and enjoy friendship at play time. Our daycare has the environment that offers opportunities to explore and grow. We provide all the materials to do so.

Children also need to learn through routine while placed in a structured environment. Our curriculum is designed to enhance the skills children need to thrive. While at daycare, our children are not placed in front of a television or set in a toy room all day. We offer a day filled with free and instructional play along with plenty of time set aside just for academics. 

Our Learning Time takes place around 9 am. We set together as a group and go over daily skills such as alphabets, numbers, shapes, and colors. While together we sing, have story time, do finger plays and many other group activities of enhanced repetitive learning skills. The group will last as long as the children stay interested. This may be for up to 30 minutes on a great day. We may follow with craft time, enhanced worksheets or go directly into play time. It all depends on the mood of the group. Learning not only happens during this hour, every minute is a learning opportunity! We have learning centers set up through out the playroom. Children enjoy playing in our large play yard when the weather is decent. The variety of planned activities will help prepare children to succeed academically and socially. Children will have the foundation needed to go on to P- K or Kindergarten with confidence.

Our goal is to prepare our children for kindergarten. We consider it to be a kindergarten PREP curriculum. Our curriculum's main focus is about creativity, social skills such as working with other children, taking turns, following simple instructions, table manners, self-care such as brushing teeth, potty training, and motor skills. Christian values are also taught to our children so that they are aware that God does exist and that we all are loved by Him! 

Each month we choose a theme, a letter, number, shape, and color. Some of or materials are ordered from Funshine Express. We learn by reviewing charts, posters, enhancement worksheets, and singing songs.We also have reading time, do finger plays, computer programs, arts and crafts. By the time our children are about to enter kindergarten, they are expected to know basic objectives such as colors and shapes, recognize, spell and write their names, remain seated while being attentive during story time, can perform self- help skills such as tying shoes, along with a few added concepts like knowing basic baby sign language, and some Spanish.

We do partner with parents in potty training. Our goal is not to get them potty trained in a hurry but potty trained with full success. We work with parents, following the child's lead when training. Most of our children become well trained before aged 3.

How we spend our day.

Our day is spent learning through exploring and playing. There are many things that we may do on any given day. Our schedule is flexible to meet the needs of our children. Some days are just spend simply playing with a variety of toys while other days we may spend an extra hour playing in the park. Other days may allow us to have learning time with arts and crafts.We celebrate every birthday and have holiday parties, The day goes by very fast for us because we are a busy bunch.

  • Reading stories or finger plays  
  • Building castles with blocks
  • Pretend cooking in our play kitchen  
  • Arts and crafts   
  • Singing fun songs  
  • Finger painting 
  • Taking turns in our classroom Learning Centers
  • Taking walks on nice summer days 
  • Playing in our large yard    
  • Taking a trip to the library 
  • Trips to McDonald's or Pizza Street 
  • Picnics in the park  
  • Watching a movie on a raining day   
  • Tunnel and Wiggle Time on mats or through popup tunnels
  • Cooking Together
  • We also have our routine of Morning and Afternoon Quiet Time for napping.   
  • Learning Time   
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Snack.     
  • Lots of hand washing and potty breaks.  
  • Outside or indoor play for exercise.

What's for lunch?

We serve breakfast, lunch and two snacks. 

The meals served are approved and monitored by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. 

The meals provided are well balanced and given at the appropriate serving size based on the child’s age.

Meals are home cooked. We DO NOT serve canned spaghetti o's or frozen dinners. 

We chose healthy snacks.

Alternative food is offered for those with food allergies.